
Making a WordPress.org plugin: SVN, GitHub, PHPUnit and Travis-CI [Part 1]

This is my first experiment to publish an open-source code. It was quite a "challenge", after years of working exclusively for corporate clients and myself, to write something that can go to "the wild" :-))

WordPress version:
GitHub version:

Here is a shortened list of what's involved in making a public plugin and publish it on WordPress.org site:
  • Write a bullet-proof PHP code (mission impossible, but approach as close as you can)
  • Organize the code in a special way: names of the files, folders, special headers, screenshots, readme.txt and so on.
  • Place your plugin somewhere so that WordPress staff can check it out and approve. (Hint: GitHub is a good place for that)
  • Apply here: http://wordpress.org/plugins/add/. Note: the name of your plugin will become it's "slug" in the URL, so choose carefully!
  • Wait for the approval, and if you never used SVN before, take this time to learn the basics.
  • SVN-Commit your code once approved.
  • Wait for reviews and support request.............. :-)
  • Folders structure and readme.md on GitHub are not exactly the same as on WordPress.org
  • You can setup Travis-CI calling PHPUnit to test your code automatically. It's not an easy thing to setup - but highly recommended.
To Read:

I'll try to find time and write more details [Part 2,3,...] soon.

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