I upgraded the CYGWIN, and the version of SVN upgraded to 1.7
$ svn --versionsvn, version 1.7.0 (r1176462) compiled Oct 11 2011, 10:36:16Everything went smooth with "svn upgrade" of the folders.
$ svn help upgrade: Upgrade the metadata storage format for a working copy.usage: upgrade [WCPATH...]
NetBeans, however, gave me an hour of headache.
Here are my discoveries (things to do are marked in bold)
- By default, NetBeans uses internal SVN client and not the on specified in Options - SVN command line.
- To use the command line client, there is an option:
-J-DsvnClientAdapterFactory=commandline - Adding that option to NetBeans config file did not help. Had to add this as a parameter to the shortcut launching NetBeans
- CYGWIN does not like being called from NetBeans. First, it complains about MS-DOS paths (C:\blah-blah), and when it is fixed by setting CYGWIN=nodosfilewarning, still produces some weird error messages
- http://tortoisesvn.net/ worked perfectly, however. Do not forget to install the command-line client (which was unchecked in the default setup). You still have to run NetBeans with that -J switch.